Debt Collectors

Notice Notice Notice
The Land Administration Authority (LAA) wishes to notify members of the public and the LAA customers of the appointment of two Debt collection companies to assist with the collections of outstanding debt on Ground Rent. Representatives of the companies among others walk house to house to inform and persuade customers to pay their outstanding debts. The representatives will be identified with the introduction letter bearing the LAA identity, a card with both the recent picture of the representative and the full names. The card further bears the signed LAA stamp at the back of the card. The representatives do not accept cash but guide you on the LAA payment platforms that include the bank, LAA offices, Eco-cash, M-Pesa and Khetsi.
The names of the companies are Cabana Solutions and the GreenDot Financial Services respectively.
The LAA therefore appeals to members of the public and the customers to be cooperative with these representatives.
For inquiries 22214124/121
Notice by LAA Management